Thursday 16 December 2010

Final Album Cover Artwork Mrs Fisher

In order for the image to be placed in I had to create another layer and then loading the picture onto that layer. I then had to mix the layers and fade them in so that I would get the effect I wanted. Once I had both images in place I adjusted the fade level which allowed the left image to change into the same colour as the background.

After this was done I was very happy with the overall outcome, however I had to remove the flower in the artists hair on the left image. I was able to do this by blurring out the flower again into the background and making sure I stuck to the same method. Only then did I feel successful in creating my own album cover and the final image is shown above of the album cover for Shani.

As well as a front cover an album needs a back cover as well displaying a barcode, website, parental guidence logo and the logo of the music label the artist is signed to. The back of an album cover also includes all the names of the songs on the album and displays a picture of the artist again promoting the new release. Below is the back cover of the album I have created and the different elements that make this back cover professional and conventional.

As you are able to see this back cover follows the conventions of any back album cover. The name of the artist is clear at the top for consumers to read a well as the name of the album. This allows the back artwork piece to look professional as I have studied a number of different album covers that follow the same elements. Moreover on a album/single back cover the songs on the Cd are always available to be seen so that it is clear what consumers are listening to. As a result of this again I chose to use the same font as the rest of the album front cover to follow the conventions as well as it being easy to read.

On the bottom left hand corner a parental advisory logo is placed so that the parents/careers of anyone buying the Cd under a certain age is able to see that the lyrics in the song do contain some sexual references. This aspect is vital to include on any back album cover as it enables consumers to know what they are buying and if they do or do not want to purchase the good. Following this 'OCK' is the name of the music label supporting 'Shani'. On all album back covers organisations make it clear from the start which artists they manage in order to set themselves apart. In conclusion to this 'OCK' stands for Ozgen, Christina and Katie which are the names of my group and I.

Following research I carried out I found that most album back covers contain a website of the artist they are promoting allowing consumers a fan page were they are able to go and find out information on the artist's album they just bought. As 'Shani's' image at the moment is very casual and sweet I felt that the colour white portrays what she represents. As well as this it is also a colour that stands out from the editing and the image placed in the background. Then finally, a barcode must be found on any good as it gives the prices of the item. Instead of having a barcode that takes up a large area it looks more effective to just have a small barcode representing the price of the item. As a result of all of this I am pleased in the way my album cover has come out both the front cover and the back as it symbolises 'Shani' as an artist.

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