Tuesday 18 January 2011

Music Video Ms Georgiou

Shani - Hold Me

Firstly i think that me and my other group members have produced a very successful music video. I think that our music video is great from start to end because of the way we carefully used the codes and conventions of a media product. Throughout our video we have many different camera shots which help show the artist from a different point of view and this way shows the artist singing the lyrics and showing her emotions , for example we have a camera shot of the artist laying on the bed which is a closeup and because of this shot there is a lot of the narrative shown because of the way the main attention of that shot are her lips.

Also at the beginning and end of the music video we have two long shots of the artist walking by a lake and she is walking towards the camera which betrays the way in which she enters this world which is beyond the camera where she is going to tell her audience the story and then this same shot is shown again at the end of the music video which helps convey that she is walking out of this world and has finished telling the audience her story.

Also throughout our music video we have repeated many of our shots throughout the music video this was because we wanted the song to flow with video and therefore it went really well because the song 'Hold Me' constantly repeats certain verses so this went really well in the music video.

On each of the shots which we put into our music video we tried to make each one different and original so therefore we decided to get creative with the edits and effects and we used effects such as black and white which helped give the audience the idea that this what has happened to the artist in the past. We also used effects such as getting a large filming light and switching it on and off repeatedly which helped create the slow motion effect and helped convey the artists performance (dancing).

We also used an effect which was called the 'dazzle' which gave the background of the shot which was a plain white wall a bit of a sparkle in the corners and also helped shine a light on the artists face. One of the final effects which we used was a cartoon effect which helped bring out the colours in that specific shot and made the artist and the red petals stand out the most.

Finally the artist which we used was a young , pretty , confident and very independent individual person which helped us a lot with trying to get a bond between the artist and the target audience. We dressed our artist very casual and very sensibly because we wanted the audience to understand that she was very young when she fell in love with this guy and she just keeps remembering the good times they had together and whether there was a chance for them to get back together. Overall i think that our music video was very successful and me and my group are very proud of it.

Goodwins Theory

In my music video i think that Goodwin's theory can be seen throughout our video. Firstly because of his first feature which was 'music videos demonstrate genre characteristics' this was shown in our music video because our video was in the reggae genre because of the way we had many different locations and had our artist doing a lot of dancing and singing at the camera.

His second feature was 'There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals' this was shown in our music video because we made our video all about our artist and about her singing the lyrics to the audience and telling them about what she is going through and she showed her emotions whilst singing the song for example when she sings 'grip' and then she grips onto the bedroom , this helps link the lyrics with the video which therefore creates the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals with what they see, this point can also relate to Goodwins third music feature which was 'There is a relationship between music and visuals'.

The fourth feature was 'The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work' which was the feature which can mostly and obviously be seen in our music video because throughout the video there are close up shots of the artist singing the lyrics to the target audience.

Goodwins sixth feature was 'There is often inter textual reference' and this is seen in our feature twice, once where the artist opens her present which her love left her and there is a reference of a Tiffany Necklace and also there is another reference near the start of the video of the artist watching her love on YouTube which is an Internet reference and she is looking at her TV which is another reference.

The final feature from Goodwins theory is 'Whether the video is primarily performance based, narrative based or concept based' this is seen in our video because it includes narrative and performance throughout , with the close up of her singing the lyrics mostly through the whole video and also whilst she is singing the narrative to the audience constantly she is also always dancing too which helps the audience see the performance in the video.

Music Channel

I think that our music video would be posted on Channel Flava this is because this music channel plays the latest pre release music videos from the biggest artists and groups around. It also has hours dedicated to playing the most recent requested music. So therefore this is a big advantage for our music video because of 'Shani' not being that well known but because she has made her own version of this song in reply to 'Gyptian' who sang the guys version and Gyptian is a very well known reggae artist and his songs are constantly played on Flava so therefore this way if Flava plays Shani's version of the song it will be played for our target audience because they already watch reggae videos on there due to the evidence that Gyptians version is on the play list for this channel.

Target Audience

My music video appeals to our target audience because of the way we have followed our codes and conventions and because we have also used and followed Goodwins theory.


  1. Your final post shows a good relfection on your final product and also how it follows the codes and conventions of a conventional music video. But you still need to explain how Goodwin's theory can be seen in your music video and also include screenshots to support the points that you have made.

  2. Good improvements, which help to show more detailed understanding of the task.
