Friday 16 July 2010

Analysis Of Music Videos Ms Georgiou

Analysis Of Music Videos.

  1. Drake - Over - RnB

Camera Shots.

Point :

  • Closeup

Evidence :

At the start of the music video , there is a closeup of drakes face when he starts singing , the camera is facing the floor at first and then moves up towards drake sitting on the bed and then there is the closeup of his face.

Explain :

This closeup of Drakes face right at the beginning of the music video, helps show to the audience the expression which Drake is trying to portray to the audience. The song is called over so drake is trying to the audience how this is him and his life and this is what he enjoys doing and he will keep on living his life until it is over.

Relate - TA And Conventions :

In this camera shot the narrative to the music video is starting to be portrayed to the audience because when there is the closeup of Drake he doesn't seem to be smiling and he has a straight face , so therefore it is trying to show to the audience what the rest of the video is going to be like.

Point :

  • Long Shot

Evidence :

At 1:38 of the music video there is a long shot of Drake whilst he is singing and dancing to his song , with the shadow of his movement being shown in the background.

Explain :

This camera shot helps show Drakes emotions because whilst this long shot it being taken , Drake show a lot of passion while he is singing , this helps portray to the audience how passionate he is about what he does and why he wants to carry on with his life until it is over.

Relate TA And Conventions :

In this camera shot is helps show the way in which Drake is feeling about his music lifestyle. This camera shot also helps show Drakes performance because the audience can see Drake from head to toe and they can see him singing and dancing and really getting into the song. Also this camera shot helps show parts of the narrative because whilst Drake is singing he has a lot of hand movements going on where he is saying that he will keep doing it 'until its over' and therefore this helps portray the narrative and show the emotions he is feeling to the audience , this also helps Drake make a good relationship with his target audience.

2. Kelly Rowland - Commander -

Camera Movements.

Point :

  • Panning

Evidence :

At 1:20 in the video there is a panning camera movement when all the dancers come from out of no where and start dancing behind Kelly and then they end up dancing around her and they become apart of her force against the other Kelly and her dancers.

Explain :

The camera movement of panning helps show the way in which Kelly is trying to show how she is in charge because she has all her dancers behind her and copying her movements so that way she is showing within her facial expression how she is the commander so she is leading it.

Relate - TA And Conventions :

From this camera movement i can relate back to the 3 main conventions of a music video which are firstly her performance this movement helps show the way in which Kelly is dancing and singing for her target audience by the long shot and then the panning shot also. This movement also helps show to the audience the narrative of the song which is showing that Kelly is in charge and it helps portray the narrative of the song. Finally by the way in which Kelly is dressed it helps show the concept of the music video to the audience because it shows that she is the leader and because she is wearing the colour red and her dancers are also in red shows how she is a leader and they all follow her.

Point :

  • Zoom

Evidence :

At 0:09 there is a zoom in of Kelly's boots which she is wearing which are very high and are black, this camera movement helps show the outfit which Kelly is wearing and also helps create that more effective affect to the music video.

Explain :

This zoom in the music video , helps show what Kelly is trying to portray to her audience because of the way in which at the beginning of the video all the audience get to see is the audience jumping around and dancing , and then as the beat starts to kick in the audience firstly are only shown a zoomed in shot of Kelly's boots and then after this the camera is taken up to show the whole of her body and face whilst she starts singing.

Relate - TA And Conventions :

This movement from the music video doesn't really relate to many of the 2 main conventions of a music video because firstly this movement only shows her shoes and doesn't really portray the dancing and singing of Kelly , Also this zoomed shot doesn't really give away any of the narrative to the audience because all the audience are shown in this zoom is the shoes she s wearing even though they are very long black leather boots which look very smart and serious it doesn't really give away much of the narrative o the audience. Finally from this zoom none of the concept is shown or given away to the audience.

3. Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart - Pop Ballads


Straight cut

Evidence :

The evidence of a straight cut from this music video starts from the beginning of the video when Alicia is firstly lying on her bed and then the straight cuts take place by taking the audience from different locations of where Alicia has been walking too.

Explain :

This edit helps show the way in which Alicia cannot stop thinking about her lover , but she is also trying to tell her audience that even though she cannot stop thinking about him and the times they had together , she has been heartbroken by this person and is finding it hard to sleep with a broken heart and she is giving away her concept of the video which everyone should try sleeping with a broken heart.

Relate :

I can relate this edit from this music video to 3 of the conventions of a music video which is that firstly in this edit we are shown Alicia giving her performance because she is walking the streets of her area trying to see his face but she is singing and dances at some parts throughout the video. Also this edit helps portray the narrative of the music video telling the audience how she was in love before but was then heartbroken and now she is trying to sleep with a broken heart but she is struggling and doesn't want to keep it that way and then this is when the concept convention is portrayed to the audience because she is trying to tell her audience that they should try sleeping with a broken heart.

Point :

  • Slow Editing

Evidence :

The evidence of this edit is when near the end of the video , there is a closeup of Alicia crying over her lover and then there is a slow edit of the shot going on to the picture she is holding of her lover , which her tears fall on and then smashes into pieces.

Explain :

This edit helps create the more exaggeration effect because once Alicia drops a tear onto the photo, the paper photo just smashes into pieces and the audience know that this doesn't happen at all , so therefore this is showing the way in which Alicia is trying to portray her emotions very strongly to the audience and showing that she was very upset with being broken hearted and therefore this edit helped create the way in which felt , giving the audience her feelings too.

Relate :

This edit can help me relate back to the 3 conventions of a music video , firstly this edit doesn't really show Alicia dancing but it shows her emotions and shows her singing which is some of the performance. Also this edit helps show the narrative part of the music video because it tells the story by ending it off with Alicia broken hearted and crying and just looking at the old photo of her ex lover and then shows how upset she is and then shows the picture broken into pieces which creates the tension between the audience and the artist. Finally this edit gives some sort of idea of the concept which Alicia is trying to portray to the audience which was 'everyone should try sleeping with a broken heart'.

Point :

  • Fast editing

Evidence :

The evidence of fast editing in this music video was when Alicia has her jacket in her hand over her shoulder and she starts walking down the stairs and then walks out of the door and makes her way out.

Explain :

This fast edit shows the way in which Alicia is tyring to cover up her heartbroken heart and pain , she just wants to get on with her life and feel free even though she tries telling the audience that she cannot sleep with a broken heart.

Relate :

This fast edit can relate back to the 3 conventions of the first showing her performance of her dancing and singing whilst she is getting ready and also whilst she is walking down the stairs and down the street.

4. Jls - The Club Is Alive - RnB

Mise - En - Scene

Point :

  • Location

Evidence :

The location to this Jls music video is based in a night club , which i think is the perfect location because the song is all about the DJ and the dance floor and making the 'club alive' . So from the start to the end of this music video the location is in a night club which is of Jls who have gone in and livened up the party dancing and singing.

Explain :

The location helps show the name of the song which is 'the club is alive' because Jls are trying to say to the audience that the clubs they are visiting are always coming alive , because of the music , the DJ and the dancing.

Relate :

I can relate this point back to the narrative of the song because the location helps give the audience a much better picture of what Jls are trying to portray because it is located in the perfect location for what the narrative of the song is about. Also the location also helps show the performance of Jls with all of the dancing and singing which they are doing in the location. Finally this location also helps show to the audience that the concept of the music video and the song is that any night club can come alive if they are there and also if the DJ is playing good music , so therefore they are showing there message to the audience.

Point :

  • Props

Evidence :

The evidence of the use of the props in this music video is the drinks glasses which are used and the poles which are used for the dancers , also the seats and the champagne. This helps show the meaning of the song and also helps portray the location of the video by showing to the audience that its located in a nightclub.

Explain :

By the use of the props in this music video helps show the location a lot more and also just makes the video of Jls seem like a normal night out at a club with their band mates.

Relate :

This use of mise - en - scene show the 3 conventions of a music video which are firstly the performance of the video which shows Jls dancing and singing throughout the video because of the location of the video because in night clubs this is what goes on. Also it also helps portray the narrative of the song to the audience telling them the story of clubs being alive because of the sound of music. Finally these props also help relate to the fact that the concept of the song is that nightclubs always come alive because of the sound of music.

Point :

  • Lighting

Evidence :

The evidence from the music video of lighting is shown throughout he video , the lighting is very low and there is only a few spot lights which helps show the audience a clearer view of the artists dancing and singing.

Explain :

The lighting which is used in this music video helps show the location of the video , because it gives away that it is located in a nightclub because night clubs have always got very low lighting because of the disco theme.

Relate :

I can relate this point back to the 3 conventions because firstly the performance is shown through the lighting because the lighting is low at first and then there are spot lights shown on Jls once they start singing and dancing. Also by the use of the lighting it helps portray the narrative of the song by showing that it is located in a nightclub and therefore the song is called 'the club is alive' so it has to be in a nightclub location. Finally the concept of the music video is also shown through the lighting they have used because it gives away the concept of clubs becoming more exciting and alive with the sound of the music.

Point :

  • Colour

Evidence :

The colour is used throughout the music video from the location , to their clothing to the lights and all of the props.

Explain :

By this use of colour the music video is trying to give the concept of the song away by showing how when the music is played and the nightclub comes alive it helps portray the excitement and tension of the video , this is shown because of the colours used in the music video.

Relate :

By the use of the colour in this music video i Can relate back to the 3 main conventions of a music video, starting off with the performance with Jls dancing and singing in the club and because of all of these colours which have been used the audience can understand the narrative of the song and the concept of the song.

Point :

  • Costumes

Evidence :

the costumes which have been worn by Jls and all of the other dancers in the video are very casual and are costumes which everyone would wear if they were going out to a nightclub.

Explain :

This helps show that Jls were only going to a nightclub to have some fun with their friends and were not going to impress anyone one or cause any trouble so therefore that is why the costumes which they are wearing are very casual and are seen everyday and are the perfect costumes to wear to a club.

Relate :

I can relate this point back to the 3 main conventions of a music video because firstly the performance convention is shown through their costumes because of the way Jls are dancing and singing very comfortably in their costumes which shows to the audience that it is a very realistic location. The costumes do not really portray the narrative of the music video but the costumes do give the audience the idea of it being located and about a club. Finally the costumes don't really help show the audience the concept of the video because the concept is trying to show to the audience that night clubs only come alive when the sound of music is played and the costumes which they are wearing doesn't really show this to the audience.

Point :

  • Facial Expressions And Body Language

Evidence :

Throughout this music video of Jls there is a lot of body language going which helps show to the audience how close of friends Jls are and how they do a lot of other things together apart from performing in front of millions of people. Also there is a lot of facial expressions shown in this music video of the boys showing their excitement and showing that they are enjoying the club and the sound of the music.

Explain :

This explains a lot about the song which Jls are singing because it shows how they are all going out as friends which is a lyric from the song and also it helps the audience have an understanding and communication of the way in which they are enjoying the party because of their facial expressions and body language.

Relate :

I can relate this point back to the 3 main conventions of a music video because firstly by the use of their facial expressions it allows the audience to notice their performance throughout the video with them dancing and singing , also it helps portray the narrative of the song by helping tell the story to the audience of it being about a nightclub and the music making it come alive.

Point :

  • Positioning

Evidence :

Evidence of the positioning in the music video is that throughout the video there is many different positioning used for example when the boys are dancing on the stage all doing the same dance routine and then the positioning of them all sitting down having a glass of champagne and watching their friends dance and have a good time.

Explain :

This helps explain the way in which this music video is portrayed very realistically to the audience because of the way in which they have used the positioning of the artists , not having them positioned in only one place and also there are even some positoning's of them separately which also shows that they not only work hard alone but also work hard when they are a group.

Relate :

Finally i can relate this last point back to the 3 main conventions of a music video because firstly the performance is shown a lot because whist Jls are singing and dancing they need to be positioned into the correct spaces so that they know what they are doing. Also this point also relates back to the narrative of the song showing the way in which the video is located in a nightclub and also how the music in a club gets the club alive and gets people of their feet and dancing. Finally it also helps relate back to the concept of the music video which is that the club is alive with the sound of music because of all the dancing , singing which is going on.

Questions :

  1. There are many different technical elements in all different music genres and the videos, firstly if it is a bands music video then the elements vary because they work all together as a team and do the same dance routines and also they have their own little parts where they either sing or dance alone. Where as with a music video for an RnB artist the artist is the main attraction of the whole video because of the way in which the camera shots are taken and the way the postioning and movements are shown.
  2. Music videos appeal to an audience by the way in which the conventions are used s the performance showing the dancing and singing thorughout the videos and making them a lot more exciting and entertaining for the audience to watch, Also because of the narrative it is trying to tell the audience helps get it more intresting for the audience and gives the audience that sort of understanding of the story in whcih the artists are trying to portray. Lastly the concept also helps appeal to the audience because of the way in which it is shown to the audience and the message it is trying to get across through the showing of the video. They also appeal to their target audience through these conventions because they need to become well known and also help sell the music video to their target audience.
  3. The audience can build a relationship with their audience by the eye contact they are using and also by the way in which they are portraying to get the crowd involvoed with the song and giving them the feeling to want to dance and sing. With the different genres of music videos for example listening to a love song and then the audience are building a relationship with the artist because the lyrics that may be sang are similar to what the audience watching are going through.
  4. I can use many different ideas depending on the music genre we decided to choose.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Record Labels Ms Georgiou

Major Record Labels / Parent Companies.

Major Record Labels

Large companies within the music industry that may also own smaller record labels. In the music industry, a record label is a brand and a trademark associated with the marketing of music recordings and music videos. Most commonly, a record label is the company that manages such brands and trademarks, coordinates the production, manufacture, distribution, marketing and promotion, and enforcement of copyright protection of sound recordings and music videos.

1) Major labels currently ;

· Sony Music
· Emi Group
· Warner Music Group
· Universal Music Group

2) Who do the major labels manage ;

· Sony Music Entertainment – Manages artists from Jenifer Lopez, Jls, and Jordin Sparks.
· Emi Group – Manages artists from Celine Dion, Fuel, Ginuwine and Jon B.
· Warner Music Group – Manages artists from Chris Brown, Craig David, Diddy and Flo Rida.
· Universal Music Group – Manages artists from Coco Lee, Nine Days and Mandy Moore.

3) Do the major labels own smaller companies and which artists do they manage?

Sony Music Entertainment; owns smaller companies which are;

· Def Jam Recordings (1985–1993) – Artists Fabulous, Justin Bieber, Jeremiah and Lady Gaga.
· Loud Records (1999–2002) – Artists Mobb Deep, Method Man and Tbeats.
· Chaos Recordings (1993–1995) – Not Available.
· The Work Group (1995–2000) – Artists Fiona Apple, Diana King and Midnight Oil.
· Date Records – Artists Oasis, Pitbull, Ricky Martin and R Kelly.

4) Are there any links within media e.g. TV/film/magazines etc.
Sony Music Entertainment –
· American Record Corporation
· Columbia/CBS Records
· Sony BMG

Emi Group –
· EMI Films
· EMI Records
· EMI Televisa Music /Capitol Latin
· EMI Songbook Series

Warner Music Group –
· Warner Bros. Records official site
· Warner Music Italy official site
· Warner Music Latina official site

Universal Music Group –
· Universal Music Publishing Group
· Universal Music Group Distribution
· Interscope-Geffen-A&M
· Island Def Jam Music Group
· Universal Motown Republic Group
· Universal Music Group Nashville
· Verve Music Group
· Decca Label Group
· Universal Music Latin Entertainment
· Universal Music Enterprises
· Show Dog-Universal Music
· Fontana Distribution
· V2/Co-operative Music
· Polydor Records
· Mercury Music Group
· Island Records Group
· Universal Music TV
· Universal Classics


An independent record label is a record label operating without the funding of or outside the organizations of the major record labels. It is also music labels that operate one or few music labels. Independent labels can be just as successful but operate from a smaller company base. They are traditionally known as offering more ‘organic’ music rather than manufactured mainstream.


1) Independent labels in the uk and there brief history ;
Independent labels have a long history of promoting developments in popular music, stretching back to the post-war period in the United States, with labels such as Sun Records, King Records, Stax, etc.

In the United Kingdom during the 1950s and 1960s, the major record companies had so much power that independent labels struggled to become established. Several British producers and artists launched independent labels as outlets for their work and artists they liked, but the majorities failed as commercial ventures or were swallowed up by the majors.

The punk rock era saw a plethora of independent labels. The UK Indie Chart was first compiled in 1980, and independent distribution became better organized from the late 1970s onwards.
In the late 80's Seattle based Sub Pop Records was at the center of the grunge scene. In the late 1990s and into the 2000s as the advent of mp3 files & digital download sites such as Apple's iTunes changed the recording industry, an Indie Neo-soul scene soon emerged from the urban Underground soul scenes of London, NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago & L.A., primarily due to commercial Radio & the major label's biased focus on the marketing, promotion & Airplay of Pop & Hip Hop music during this period. Independent Labels such as Dome Records & Expansion Records in the U.K. and Ubiquity Records in the U.S. and a plethora of others around the world as well as various "online stores" such as,, etc, support the Nu soul movement today.

2) The artsists signed to these labels are ;
· Shontelle
· Stevie Wonder
· Snoop Dogg
· Tpain
· Taio Cruz
· Taylor Swift
· Wale

3) Is it right from a music point of view as well as an industry point of view that 4 companies dominate the music industry?

I agree with this because I think that if it wasn’t for the music industry then these larger companies wouldn’t be anywhere without them, because they are helping these large companies sell their music products. Also 4 companies dominating in the music industry is a very good idea because it will help open the company even wider in the future and therefore this will advantage to more customers.

4) What affect does this have on industry?

The affect this can have on the industry is that it can help make the music industry a lot larger and will also allow the industry to aim their products and music at a larger target audience because of the growing industry.

5) Are independent labels as successful as major labels, how do you judge this?

Yes they are because the smaller the industry the more money and customers they can make.

6) Is there anything that independent labels offer the industry that the majors do not?

Independant labels offer to a mch smaller market and do not have as many companies signed up with them.

Summary of record labels :

We need them because a good label actually gives an artist more creative freedom. Even in this day and age of Myspace pages and blog buzz, it is still unrealistic for an artist to expect to simply be able to write and record something, put it out there and find a huge audience. There has to be an element of business marketing to gain an audience. It is a business and like any business there is a lot of work to be done. Marketing a release requires a lot of commitment, and for go it alone artists that commitment means an even lesser amount of time being creative and more time doing business. If you agree with the argument that generally quality is related to time spent, then the more time an artist spends being creative the more likely he or she will produce more quality work. A good record label can take away much of the business from the artist and allow them to focus on being creative, but without interfering unnecessarily in the process or the outcome. A good label therefore allows artists creative freedom, and the time to be creative.

Music Video History Ms Georgiou


Fantasia- 1940
Fantasia is a 1940 American animated feature produced by Walt Disney and the third film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. Fantasia was the first major film released in stereophonic sound using a process dubbed "Fantasound". Fantasound was developed by sound engineer William E. Garity and sound mixer John N.A. Making Fantasia was the first commercial film with multichannel sound. It led to the development of what is today known as surround sound.

Panoram was the trademark name of a visual jukebox that played music accompanied by a synched, filmed image (the effect being the equivalent of today's music videos) popular within the United States during the 1940s. The device consisted of a jukebox playing a closed-loop 16mm film reel projected onto a glass screen.

Soundie 1940-1946
The Panoram is now best known for the vast library of short, three minute music videos that were created for it, this was called soundies, these films featured most of the great musical stars of the period, including Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Cab Calloway. Soundie was produced in New York, Chicago, and Hollywood between 1940 and 1946, often including short dance sequences. (The completed Soundies were generally released within a few months of their filming; the last group was released in March, 1947.) The films were displayed on the Panoram, a coin-operated film jukebox or machine music, in nightclubs, bars, restaurants, factory lounges, and amusement centers.

Scopitone is a type of jukebox featuring a 16 mm film component. It was a forerunner of music video. The Italian Cinebox/Colorama and Color-Sonics were competing, lesser-known technologies of the time. Based on technology developed during World War II, color 16 mm film clips with a magnetic soundtrack were designed to be shown in a specially designed jukebox. The first Scopitones were made in France, among them Serge Gainsbourg's Le poinçonneur des Lilas (filmed in 1958 in the Porte des Lilas Métro station), Johnny Hallyday's "Noir c'est noir" (a cover of Los Bravos' "Black is Black") and the "Hully Gully" showing a dance around the edge of a French swimming pool.

Elvis Priestly
Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was an American singer and actor. A cultural icon, he is commonly known simply as Elvis and is also sometimes referred to as The King of Rock 'n' Roll or The King.

The Beatles
The Beatles were an English rock and pop group formed in Liverpool in 1960 who became one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music.
The beatles also produced a music video game developed by Harmonix Music Systems, published by MTV Games and distributed by Electronic Arts. The game was called The Beatles: Rock Band .It is the third major console release in the Rock Band music video game series and, like other games in the series, it allows players to simulate the playing of rock music by using controllers shaped like musical instruments.

Top Of The Pops
Top of the Pops, also known as TOTP, is a British music chart television programme, made by the BBC and originally broadcast weekly from 1 January 1964 to 30 July 2006. It was traditionally shown every Thursday evening on BBC1, before being moved to Fridays in 1996, and then moved to Sundays on BBC Two in 2005. Each weekly programme consisted of performances from some of that week's best-selling popular music artists, with a rundown of that week's singles chart. Additionally, every year there was a special edition of the programme on Christmas Day featuring some of the best-selling singles of the year.
With this show Top OF The Pops people were nmow able to see live performances from the artists and when the artist was not there to perform Top Of The Pops would show the video of the song.

MTV (Music Television) is a cable television network based in New York City and launched on August 1, 1981. The original purpose of the channel was to play music videos guided by on-air hosts known as VJs. Today, MTV still plays a limited selection of music videos, but the channel primarily broadcasts a variety of popular culture and reality television shows targeted at young adults and teenagers.
Since its premiere, MTV has had a profound impact on the music industry and popular culture. Slogans such as "I want my MTV" became embedded in public thought, the concept of the VJ was popularized, the idea of a dedicated video-based outlet for music was introduced, and both artists and fans found a central location for music events, news, and promotion. MTV has also been referenced countless times in popular culture by musicians, other TV channels and shows, films and books.
MTV has spawned numerous sister channels in the U.S. and affiliated channels internationally. MTV's moral influence on young people, including issues related to censorship and social activism, has been a subject of debate for years. MTV's choice to focus on non-music programming has also been contested relentlessly since the 1990s, demonstrating the channel's impact on popular culture.
The original purpose of MTV was to be "Music Television," playing music videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, guided by on-air personalities known as VJs, or video jockeys. The original taglines of the channel were "You'll never look at music the same way again," and "On cable. In stereo." Although the concept of playing music videos 24/7 has long been abandoned, MTV still promotes and plays a limited selection of music videos on its TV channel and web site.

YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. Three former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion, and is now operated as a subsidiary of Google.
The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, UMG and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program.
Unregistered users can watch the videos, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos that are considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users over the age of 18. The uploading of videos containing defamation, pornography, copyright violations, and material encouraging criminal conduct is prohibited by YouTube's terms of service. Accounts of registered users are called "channels".
YouTube began as a venture-funded technology startup, primarily from a US $11.5 million investment by Sequoia Capital between November 2005 and April 2006. YouTube's early headquarters were situated above a pizzeria and Japanese restaurant in San Mateo, California. The domain name was activated on February 15, 2005, and the website was developed over the subsequent months. The first YouTube video was entitled Me at the zoo, and shows founder Jawed Karim at San Diego Zoo.The video was uploaded on April 23, 2005, and can still be viewed on the site.
YouTube's video playback technology for web users is based on the Adobe Flash Player. This allows the site to display videos with quality comparable to more established video playback technologies (such as Windows Media Player, QuickTime, and RealPlayer) that generally require the user to download and install a web browser plug-in to view video content.Viewing Flash video also requires a plug-in, but market research from Adobe Systems has found that its Flash plug-in is installed on over 95% of personal computers.

IPod is a brand of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple and launched on October 23, 2001 (2001-10-23). The product line-up includes the hard drive-based iPod Classic, the touchscreen iPod Touch, the video-capable iPod Nano, and the compact iPod Shuffle. The iPhone can function as an iPod but is generally treated as a separate product. Former iPod models include the iPod Mini and the spin-off iPod Photo (since reintegrated into the main iPod Classic line). iPod Classic models store media on an internal hard drive, while all other models use flash memory to enable their smaller size (the discontinued Mini used a Microdrive miniature hard drive). As with many other digital music players, iPods can also serve as external data storage devices. Storage capacity varies by model.
The iPod line came from Apple's "digital hub" category, when the company began creating software for the growing market of personal digital devices. Digital cameras, camcorders and organizers had well-established mainstream markets, but the company found existing digital music players "big and clunky or small and useless" with user interfaces that were "unbelievably awful," so Apple decided to develop its own. As ordered by CEO Steve Jobs, Apple's hardware engineering chief Jon Rubinstein assembled a team of engineers to design the iPod line, including hardware engineers Tony Fadell and Michael Dhuey, and design engineer Jonathan Ive. The product was developed in less than one year and unveiled on 23 October 2001. Jobs announced it as a Mac-compatible product with a 5 GB hard drive that put "1,000 songs in your pocket."

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Goodwins Music Video Analysis Ms Georgiou

Key Features Of Music Videos ;

Goodwin's music video analysis
Andrew Goodwin writing in 'dancing in the distraction factory' (routledge 1992)

  1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics. (e.g stage performance in metal video, dance routines for boy/girl band).
  2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting)
  3. There is a relationship between music and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting)
  4. the demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work ( a visual style).
  5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
  6. There is often intertextual reference (to films, TV programmes, other music videos etc)
  7. Whether the video is primarily performance based, narrative based or concept based and how elements of each is used in it.

Music video which i analysed - Usher - Pop Ya Collar

  • The genre of this music video is Rnb
  • At the beginning of this music video it starts off with Usher driving in a flash car, this a generic convention of a Rnb video because he is showing flash cars in the video.
  • Also in this music video 'pop ya collar' , one scene Usher is wearing a suit which shows the class of him.
  • There is also a scene of Usher standing in the street, he then puts his hands out and a big pile of cash flies into his hand, this is a generic convention because it shows the audience that the artist has money.
  • the lyrics and visuals also have a relationship in the music video, this is because the name of the song is called 'Pop ya collar' and in the video the artist pops his collar.
  • The music video is concept based and performance based.
  • The target audience for this music video will be mainly targeted at females.

What Is A Music Video Ms Gerogiou

What is a music video?

Task 1 : Different types of music genres ;
Task 2 : Different artists for each genre ;

  • Hip hop - Lady Gaga
  • Rnb - Drake
  • Funky house - Egypt
  • Bashment - Gyptian
  • Grime - Wiley
  • Reggae - Bob Marley
  • Garage - DJ Luck
  • Pop - Miley Cyrus
  • Slow jams - Ginuwine
  • Rock - Kings Of Leon

Task 3 : The purpose of a music video ;

  1. A market tool to promote a new artist or an artists new single, for example advertising/promoting the artist on a TV advert.
  2. A short narrative or representation of the artist showing the meaning of their single, for example Nelly - dilemma , this song is narrative based because he is singing to his girlfriend telling her he loves her and needs her and she is singing back to him singing exactly the same back to him.
  3. To attract a particular target audience, for example the grime artist giggs will only attract his particular target audience with his music which is the younger generation.
  4. To identify an artist or group who haven't been very successful in the past or who are not very popular, for example Olly Murs was a contestant on the Xfactor but did not win the competition and he had the oppurtunity to sing on the live xfactor shows this year which helped him promote his latest single and become more recognised with his target audience.
  5. To buy into the artists lifestyle, for example beyonce is a very popular Rnb artist and now she has branded her own perfume which she also uses , so therefore this allow her target audience to buy into her lifestyle.
  6. To show different generic conventions of the different types of music genres and music videos, for example in a Rnb music video the locations are very realistic but in a rock music video its mainly on a stage with loads of props including guitars etc.
  7. For the audience to remember that artist for their music video which they created, for example Shakira - waka waka her music video is based on the world cup so her video was located at a football stadium , this helped the audience remeber her video.
  8. To make a song available to a wide audience not just for one specific group of audiences, for example artists such as DJ Luck music genre Garage , has made their music video avalible to a much wider audience from teenagers to adults.
  9. To show more about the artists by portraying what sort of people they are, for example jls and their music videos all show that they are genuinely nice guys and just up for going out with their friends and having a good time and enjoy what they do.
  10. Making the music video very catchy to the audience so in the future they request to watch the video on music channels, for example the artist KIG - heads, shoulders, knees and toes, this music video is always being requested on music channels because of the memorable video and the chance it gives the audience to copy along with the dance movements.
  11. To build a relationship with the artist and the audience helping them understand what sort of person they are, for example as i said above with jls they are trying to show how down to earth and genuine they are by showing their personalities in the ir music videos.
  12. Lastly for the audience to understand more about the song the artist is singing and what the narrative is behind the song, for example Nelly - dilemma the lyrics to this song show the audience the understanding of what he is trying to say and what narrative is behind the video.

Task 4 : Styles of music videos

Music videos are split into 3 different categories , which are :

  • Performance - singing and dancing
  • Narrative - telling the audience a story
  • Concept - selling the audience an idea/theme/ideology

Some music videos contain a mixture of the different styles and some contain only one style.

In the music video by Christina Aguilera - Beautiful , all 3 of the elements are included in the video firstly element one is performance , which the audience are constantly shown the artist singing through out the video and also whilst the narrative is being created she is continuously singing throughout. In the second element narrative throughout the video there are different images and shots of different people shown , which helps explain the meaning to her song which is that no matter what you look like you shouldn't let anyone put you down because everyone is beautiful in their own way. Finally the last element which was concept is also shown in this music video which is an overall view of what the song and the video is trying to portray which is that everyone is equally beautiful.

Task 5 : Generic Conventions ;

It is important to remember that generic conventions are also important when it comes to analysing a music video and also artists also try to include them into it.

The generic conventions of an RnB music video are ;

  • Artists dancing and singing throughout. (Jls - love you more)
  • Loads of dancers in the videos. (Jls - everybody in love)
  • Locations are mostly in clubs. (Jls - the club is alive)
  • And most of the songs are very fast and up beat. (Jls)

The generic conventions of a girl band music video are ;

  • Has to be very classy and sexy outfits. (Pussy cat dolls - dont cha)
  • Loads of big hair and makeup. (Pussy cat dolls - when i grow up)
  • Most dancers are males. (Pussy cat dolls - Jai Ho)
  • Most locations are in very girlie places. (Pussy cat dolls - Hush hush)
  • Mostly dresses are worn. (Pussy cat dolls - Buttons)

The generic conventions of a rock music video are ;

  • Artists are mostly males. (Kings of leon - Arizona)
  • Locations are in dark places or on a large stage. (Kings of leon - Sex is on fire)
  • Clothing is usually dull and very black. (Kings of leon - Crawl)
  • Not many dancing. (Kings of leon - Radioactive)
  • Mostly a story is shown in rock videos. (Kings of leon - Pyro)
  • Loads of drums and guitars in most videos. (Kings of leon - Use somebody)

The generic conventions of boy band music videos are ;

  • Mostly dressed in suits and casual men's wear. (Take that - the flood)
  • Locations are mostly in the bedroom or in hotels and clubs. (The wanted - Heart vacancy)
  • Dancers are mostly females dancing around the band. (Five - Keep On Moving)
  • Many props such as cars , alchol are used. (The wanted - all time low)

The generic conventions of pop music videos are ;

  • Loads going on in the video. (Justin bieber - Baby)
  • Dancing and singing throughout. (Justin bieber - Somebody to love)
  • Locations such as clubs , beaches , houses , shopping malls. (Justin bieber - eenie meenie)
  • Dancers are a mixture of males and females. (Justin bieber - Onetime)

The generic conventions of dance music videos are ;

  • Very similar to pop music videos. (Rihanna - pon de replay)

The generic conventions of rap music videos are ;

  • Mostly male artists rapping throughout the video. (Giggs - Talking the hardest)
  • Locations are mostly on the streets and in gangs with other males. (Giggs - Hustle on)
  • No dancers are included usually. (Giggs - Gameover)
  • Props such as hats , chains are included. (Giggs - Look what the cat dragged in)

The generic conventions grime music videos are ;

  • Very similar to rap music videos. (Griminal - invincible)

The generic conventions of indie music videos are ;

  • Loads of colour is used. (Onerepublic - Say all i need)
  • Male and female dancers are used. (Onerepublic - Everybody loves me)
  • Locations are everyday locations. (Onerepublic - Apologize)

The generic conventions of metal music videos are ;

  • Very similar to rock music videos. (Pantera - Cowboys from hell)

The generic conventions of garage music videos are ;

  • Very similar to RnB music videos. (Dj Luck & Mc Neat - Do you really like it)

Target audiences are important in analysing music videos because if the target audience is not correctly identified then the music video will not attract the audience and will just be a waste of time and money. Also if an artists is trying to become well known with their audience then they need to make sure that they have aimed at the correct target audience, also if they correctly identify their Target audience then this can be a huge advantage for the artists and its producers because then they will keep talking about the music video and this will advertise and promote the artist even more. It is also important because the artist wants to make money and to have a lot of fans so will produce a video that has something that interests their audiences. For example the group Jls have a very large target audience which is from teenagers to adults but they mostly attract the female audiences because of the way they look, dress and because of the songs they sing and also by the way they create their music videos.

Task 6 : Music Video ;

The music video i have chosen to analyse for task 6 is Egypt - in the morning.

  1. This music video follows all the elements of a music video because firstly it follows the performance because the artist Egypt is singing and dancing throughout the video which helps create the enjoyable atmosphere between the video and the audience. The second element which is the narrative is also shown in this music video because the video is set in a club which has so many different people in there drinking , laughing , dancing and just having a good time and then this therefore leads onto the concept of the video which is that Egypt is trying to let the love come in , by letting the love spread around the club with everyone getting on so well and just enjoying themselves.
  2. The style of this music video is funky house because of the way the beat if very fast and up beat, also the music video contains may dancers and is also located in a night club which represents the funky house style because funky house music is mostly played in night clubs. Also this style of music is also very catchy so therefore it also the audience to catch on with the lyrics of the song.
  3. The generic conventions for this music video are performance dancing and singing which this video includes, also having locations like night clubs and house parties it is very common and modern and set in recent days, it is also includes a mixture of dancers from males to females throughout the videos.
  4. The target audience for this video are people who enjoy funky house music, also people who are young and are into listening to all of the latest music. Also people who regularly visit night clubs can also be target audiences for this music video.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Music Video Channels Ms Georgiou

Music Video Channels ...

MTV Television :

1. MTV is a branding company which has many different channels for example MTV base , MTV rocks , MTV dance and MTV hits so therefore for each of these different channels which MTV provides to the public , there are different target audiences for each. Firstly MTV base plays mostly the latest hip hop and rnb songs which would be mostly aimed at the younger audience from the ages of 12 to 30.

Then there's MTV rocks which plays mostly rock music so therefore this channel would be aimed at audiences who prefer the music genre of rock and mostly ages around 13 to 20.

Then there is MTV dance which plays mostly pop and some rnb and was given the name MTV dance because they play music which isn't boring and will entertain their audience and make them want to dance. MTV dance can vary from the ages of 12 to 40.

Finally there is also MTV hits which is also very similar to MTV dance playing the same types of music , and also has a very similar target audience of 12 to 40.

2. MTV plays a variety of music because of the different target audiences they are aiming at, they play music from tinie tempah to Michael Jackson to kings of Leon, which shows to the viewer that MTV is a large music channel which provides different music for all types of different music genres which matches what viewers like to listen too.

3. Examples of artists and presenters that feature on a regular basis are;

Mtv Base

  • Artists :

  • Jason Derulo - Ridin solo

  • Usher - Lil freak

  • Jls - The club is alive

  • Tinie Tempah - Frisky

  • Presenters :

  • Scottie B is MTV BASE’s DJ extraordinaire.

  • Rickie Haywood Williams, Rickie is MTV BASE’s one stop shop for all urban news.

  • Kojo is MTV BASE’s fly, fresh comedy man.

  • Reggie Yates, Reggie is MTV BASE’s multi talented presenter, dj, actor.

  • Sarah Love, Sarah is MTV BASE’s only female face and embodies music depth, grace, and charisma in all her tv projects.

  • Ace and Vis are MTV BASE’s only paired presenters.

  • KatKat is quick, quirky and an all-round entertainer with enormous appeal to teenagers and students up and down the country.

  • Trevor Nelson, Trevor has presented MTV BASE’s long running flagship urban music magazine show for over 10 years.

MTV Rocks

  • Artists :

  • Careful - Para more

  • Holiday - Vampire Weekend

  • Bob - Aeroplanes

  • Presenters :

  • Alexa chung , Alexa mostly presents MTV ROCKS with the latest news.

  • Zayne Lowes also presents MTV ROCKS when Alexa isn't available.

MTV Hits

  • Artists:

  • Justin Bieber - Baby

  • Kelly Rowland - Commander

  • N-dubs - We Dance On

  • Presenters :

  • Eglantina zingg , she presents the news on MTV HITS.

  • Ruby Rose, she presents the interviews with famous music artists.

  • Laura Whitmore , is also a presenter of the urban news.

MTV Dance

  • Artists :

  • Bass hunter - Saturday

  • Dennis Ferrer - Hey Hey

  • Presenters :

  • Ash stymest presenter on MTV DANCE.

  • Melvin Odoom , presents the news on MTV DANCE.

4. MTV is used as a form of branding because not only does it provide viewers with the latest and their chosen music videos but also because MTV is an American channel it also provides viewers with real life programmes which vary from the hills to my sweet sixteen. MTV also has its own magazine brand which keeps the audience updated with all the latest music news and songs and also provides them with a TV guide of the programme for that week.

5. MTV has a very plain and simple logo which helps represent that the channel does not need to be huge and jam packed of so many things , but they can have many things showing on each channel but it will please and will allow viewers to enjoy what they are watching. Also because MTV has a very basic logo , it allows the audience to remember MTV and what it provides because their target audience can just think of a plain black and white logo and just think of MTV and all the different music channels which they provide.

VH1 :

1. Vh1 has a very large target audience because vh1 is also apart of the MTV branding , but it plays all the different types of music genres , so there isn't a different channel for each type of music genre like the other MTV music channels, because of vh1 providing for all music genre lovers , this makes the target audience all genders and from the ages of 12 to 40.

2. Like i answered above vh1 plays all types of music ranging from scissor sisters to fyfe Dangerfield to jls. Which therefore gives the audience a variety of different music they may enjoy listening to , vh1 has a different showing time for each of the different music genres allowing the audience to choose and decide whether they would like to watch it.

3. Examples of artists that feature on a regular basis on vh1 are ;

  • Artists :

  • Plan B - She Said

  • Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart

  • Michael Buble - Crazy Love

  • Presenters :

  • Coco she presents VH1 with the latest news and information for the target audience.

  • Brandy , she is also a presenter on VH1.

  • Whitney Port , also another presenter on VH1.

4. Vh1 is a part of MTV's branding because it is involved in all of the other music channels which MTV provides , so therefore vh1 is the same as MTV but just does not have its own magazine it is just included in MTV's magazine

5. Vh1 also has a very simple logo but has a lot more colour than the MTV logo, which is eye catching to a viewer also this allows the viewer to recognise the logo if they see it around, the logo is very simple and just allows the viewer to identify the logo and what it stands for.

The Box :

1. the target audience for the box is a very medium size audience because the box only plays all the latest hip hop and rnb songs , so therefore the box does not provide music for all of their viewers , but it just provides music which is around and the most popular out in the charts , the box has mostly the younger generation as its target audience because the youngsters are more into listening to the latest music, so the target audience age can range from 12 to 20.

2. The box plays all of the latest hip hop and rnb music videos which our out in the charts at the moment, therefore this helps attract and aim their channel at the younger generation who like to listen to all of the latest music videos out and also provides viewers with the chance to text in and request their own chosen videos.

3. Examples of artists featured regularly on the box are:

  • Artists :
  • Eminem - Not Afraid
  • Skepta - Rescue Me
  • Kelly Rowland - Commander
  • Presenters :
  • Tim Kash is th emain presenter on THE BOX , presenting the news and interviews.

4. The box is just a simple music video channel which plays mostly hip hop and rnb , the box does not really brand it only has owns part of total kiss and also just has a shout out section on the website which can allow their viewers to follow the box on their website and give feedback and even request what videos they want shown from the website.

5. The box has a very simple logo which helps represent the company with 3 boxes and is very easy to remember so it allows viewers to recognise the logo when they see it on a TV channel or on magazines.

Scuzz :

1. Scuzz the channel plays a wide range of modern and classic rock and metal music ranging from emo to black metal. Scuzz encourages its viewers to "rock hard, only with Scuzz". So therefore scuzz does not have a largely huge target audience because it is only aimed at viewers who enjoy only rock and metal music. The target audience for scuzz is around 16 to 20.

2. Scuzz plays music such as hardcore and metal core genres, Scuzz tends to play slightly more underground music videos than the other British rock channel Kerrang, although they do share quite a few songs. Scuzz also shows many exclusive music videos for the first time.

3. Examples of artists featured on scuzz on a regular basis are:

  • Artists :
  • Anthrax - Scott Ian
  • Biggest Metallica Fan - Shonky Sparrow
  • Sonic Syndicate - Power Shift

  • Presenters :
  • Phil Collins presenter on SCUZZ tv.
  • Beez presenter on SCUZZ TV.

4. The scuzz music channel only has its own music channel and website which allows viewers to create their own profiles and communicate with other viewers and discuss the latest music out and they also have the chance to discuss up and coming events, so overall scuzz is not a very large branding music channel.

5. The scuzz also has a very pain and simple logo which is just the name 'scuzz' but in a lighting style font and in the colour black which helps create the idea of the emo styled music which is played on the channel , The channels identity is also seen before and after advert breaks when the Scuzz logo is in the center of the screen , which helps keep reminding the viewers what music channel they are watching and this way it allows them to recognise the logo.

Kiss :

1. The music channel kiss is a very urban and popular music channel in the uk because of all the latest music videos it plays , kiss has a target audience ranging from the ages of 12 to 30. Kiss not only has a music channel but also has a radio station so therefore this shows that they have a larger amount of viewers , so when someone hase'nt got time to watch the channel , they can listen to it on the go on the radio.

2. Kiss plays music from the genres of Urban Pop, Dance and R&B. Not only does kiss play all of the latest music videos which are out but it also plays music which were big years ago , so therefore it gives the older aged audience the chance to enjoy the channel also.

3. Examples of artists featured on kiss on a regular basis are:

  • Artists :
  • Dennis Ferrer - Hey Hey
  • Knaan - Waving Flag
  • Dizzie Rascal - Shout

  • Prsenters :
  • Kiss consists of different presenters on each show , but most of the presenters are famous artists, groups who's music videos are shown on the channel, they name this presentating 'the take over' for example 'Jls take over kiss'.

4. Kiss music channel not only has its music channel with all of the latest music videos but it also has programmes during the week which shows some of the best artists choosing their faviourte 50 songs or even has programmes on certain artists showing all of their best songs. Kiss also has its own radio station kiss 100 which also plays the same music as the channel, there is many things to do on their radio station from being able to ring up and request a song or make a shout out and even win prizes from the competitions they provide.

5. Kiss has a blue logo which looks like a cartooned mouth which is wide open and then in the mouth has the word kiss coming out of it , which shows that kiss is a popular music channel/radio because everyone is talking about it or tuning in to it so therefore the logo helps represent the channel to the audience.