Tuesday 28 September 2010

Dyers Theory Mrs Fisher

Analysis of artist, using Dyer's theory.

Does the promotional material construct an image rather than reveal a 'real' person whereby you know about their likes/dislikes, family, background, education, problems etc?

With my our singer Shani she is not a very well known artist so therefore we have had to work on our original artist of the chosen song which is Gyptian. Gyptian is constructed to his target audience as a very talented and dedicated artist, through the promotional material Gyptian is shown as a very real person because he is not that talked about and he isn't in many magazines or newspapers and he just keeps himself to himself. But since the release of his latest single 'hold you' Gyptian has started to become very popular with the younger generation of target audience. Lastly the promotional material has not constructed any of Gyptian's personal likes or dislike , family backgrounds , education or problems.

Does the star represent something/have an identity that the audience can consume and aspire towards?

Gyptian earned his nickname from his habit of tying a shirt around his head and twisting his chin hair like an Egyptian pharaoh.So therefore this helped Gyptian create his identity with his target audience, so therefore his audience/fans know him and recognise him through this.

What meanings are being represented through the promotional material and how are they conveyed? (costume,location,body language,hair & makeup,props).

Through the promotional material which is used with Gyptian there is many different ideas conveyed to the audience through the image which he has created. Firstly on the album cover of 'my name is Gyptian' Gyptians hair is twisted so therefore this is showing his identity, also on the album cover is just a closeup of his face which takes up most of the cover and his facial expressions through this album cover show him having a slight grin on his face and he is looking down , the producer has tried to create the effect of him looking down at his name which is in bold black text near the left side of the cover. Also through Gyptian's facial expression on this cover it looks as if he is concentrating which may suggest that he is dedicated to his music. The second album cover which i looked at from gyptian was 'Gyptian i can feel your pain' this cover helped convey Gyptian through to his audience to hat sort of artist he is and the sort of genre he sings because of the colours used which were red, green and yellow this helps give his audience the idea that he is a reggae artist. Also on this album cover Gyptian is standing up and has his hands making a symbol which stands for love so therefore Gyptian is trying to tell his audience that he loves what he does and his music means alot to him. Also on this album cover Gyptian is standing infront of a red gate and his body language seems very comfortable and he is just posing and smiling for th camera. Finally Gyptians facial expression shows that he is happy with his job and proud to be releasing this album. Overall i think that Gyptians prormotional materials help convey Gyptian to the person he really is and his true personality.

Do the images leave the audience asking questions in order to complete their understanding of the artist?

The images used by Gyptain do not leave the audience asking questions because the images gyptian has created give away enough information to his target audience so therefore the audience know who he is and understand his genre very well also.

Through consuming the artist in this way is the audience positioning themselves within or against a culture?

I think that Gyptian's fans and his followers are within his culture which he is trying to create because considering he is a reggae artsist he has never been in the newspapers for doing drugs or sleeping with other famous celebrities so he is not only a good image but also a good rolemodel to his audience.

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