Monday 20 September 2010

Reinvented Artists Ms Georgiou

Pick an artist that you think has reinvented their image for a purpose and analyse their music videos to show why they made a certain transititon to provoke and sustain their popularity in the music industry.

The artist i have chosen to analyse is rihanna because of the way she has changed over the years from starting her career in 2004 as a young , beautiful , innocent young woman and how she has ended up now in 2010 as being a very Gothic based , aggressive and strange artist.

This music video by Rihanna in 2004 called 'Don't stop the music' , this is how rihanna started off as an artist , this was when she was first introduced to the industry, she came across to her audience as a very nice and sweet young girl who was going to do very well with her career in he future.
From this video Rihanna looks very pretty and is wearing a very sexy and short dress , the location the video is in a night club were she is in the middle of the dance floor dancing with her friends and then near the middle/end of the video she starts to sexy dance with a male dancer. Also in the video she starts clapping and giggling and getting all of the audience dancing and getting into to her song by this use of technique rihannas music video is obeying God wins theory because she is trying to create that relationship with her audience because she is making them want to get up and dance and get into her video with her. The location and the mis-en-scene which is used in this music video helps suggest to the audience the genre of the video which is reggae because of her location in a club and party which helps create this theme.

Secondly this second music video of rihanna is in 201o her song called 'Rudeboy' , , this one of Rihanna most recent music videos.

Now already by the name of the song the audience can realise the difference they are going to see in her music and the video. In this video rihanna is a lot more sexy and does a lot more sexier dancing for example she is dresses in a zebra print outfit and she is dancing behind a lion grinding around it which shows that she is a changed artist from her old video in 2004. Also in this music video at the beginning she is playing the drums and her costume is very different to what a reggae artist should be wearing , she is now wearing a rock/goth outfit. In this music video she does not at all create any sort of relationship between herself and the audience watching because she is a lot more into her dancing and thinking about this so called 'rudeboy' she is talking about so therefore not every artist tries to create a relationship with the audience so in this point of view Godwin's theory doesn't match up with rihanna.

Task 2 :

Summarise on the main points that you have identified and explain why you think the artist made certain choices and decisions to reinvent their image and their career.

The reason i think rihanna wanted to change her image her artwork was maybe because of her past with her ex boyfriend Chris Brown and all of the publicity she got through it by people talking about her being very weak , scared and quiet. So therefore by her changing into this new person with a new personality she is showing her true self by proving that she isn't weak she is strong by all the serious dancing , changing her image new fresh hair style meaning she is a new and changing person and also by the change in her music videos shows that she isn't the same quiet girl anymore she is more loud and much more outgoing to her target audience.
Also by rihanna changing her image shows that she was bored of her ordinary image and now she is trying to be different and more unique this way she will become more memorable to her target audience and it always allows her target audience to watch something new from her every time she brings out a new music video.

Explain how your research will help you to decide on a artist and music video and also explain why you think an image is important to appeal to a target audience.

My research will help me decide on the artist and music video i would like to create because it allows and opens up my knowledge of how important an artisits image is.I need to make sure that the artist i have chosen hasent changed throughout the years because i have discovered that because of the change in Rihanna's image it allowed her to lose some very mutual fans which isnt a good advantage for a artist.
I think an image is very important to appeal to a target audience because without an artist having an image then the artist will not become well know at all with their target audience and this is what an artist needs to do well in their music industry.From my research i have also learnt that a star is an image not a real person, that is constructed out of a range of materials for example advertising, magazines etc as well as films. Also from my research into Richard Dyer's theory i also learnt that a star must be simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary for the consumer for example lady gaga is very differnet and unique to other artisits. Also from Dyer's theory i learnt that the star must be simultaneously present and absent for the consumer so for example mcihael jackson would be around for a long time relasing videos and albums and then he would just disapear for a few months which made his fans lose intrest and then he would finally return again and it would be hard for him to start gaining back his old target audiences.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of a star and the artist Rihanna shows your general understanding of how artists reinvent their images over time to appeal to a newer audience. You have selected two of Rihanna's music videos but I think you should analyse one of her earlier ones from when she was first released to the industry so that it gives you more points to argue with. This will also help you with your anlaysis as you will be able to see more of a change.

    Also when you are analysing the music videos you need to provide more detailed examples of video to show a more detailed understanding of the mise-en-scene and how the video appeals to an audience. Finally you need to include the video clip to match your points and analysis's.
