Monday 27 September 2010

Diversity Ms Georgiou

Diversity of music videos

Diversity of a music video is the quality of being diverse , different or having the unlikeliness. They may only be four to five minutes long, but music videos are one of the easiest ways for singers to make a statement and express their individuality.


Michel Gondry

From Gondry I analysed two of his music videos which were:
• The white stripes – the hardest button to press -

• Kylie Minogue – Come into my world -

The presentation of the music video from the white stripes firstly the genre was an indie rock, the video was very interesting and different for the audience to watch because the drum kits kept on adding on and on to the video, but this did go with the beat of the song which made it flow a bit more with the video. Also this video is very unique and is not what the audience expect to see in any other music video from this genre. This video also had a colour scheme going on which was red, white and black which can help make the video memorable to the audience. The second music video which I analysed was Kylie Minogue’s which was a very boring and continuous video , which just had her walking around the same street about 6 or 7 times and then there becoming more and more of her , after watching this music video I wasn’t very interested and I didn’t want to watch it again. One advantage of it was that it was different to the rest of her other videos so it allowed her to try and set a new target audience and give her actual target audience something different. Both of these videos didn’t build a relationship between the artist and the audience because of the way the video didn’t relate to the narrative of each of the songs.
There were many advantages and disadvantages to both of these music videos, starting with the white stripes video an advantage of this music video was that it was different for their target audience compared to any other music video which they have seen, so therefore by them producing a very different and unique music video it allows them to allow their music video to be memorable to their target audience. On the other hand a disadvantage of this music video is that because of the repetition of the drum sets doesn’t look or seem very interesting and starts to get boring after the first minute of the music video.
From the second music video from Kylie Minogue also has its advantages and disadvantages, an advantage of this music video was that Kylie tried to use a very well-known and everyday society location which can relate back to Dyers theory because of the hegemony which shows that she tried to make her location memorable and the same as were lower class streets and shops, therefore this helped make the music video seem more realistic to the audience also because of the repetition also used of Kylie going around the same street around 7 or 8 times and then every time there is another Kylie this also helped get her music video become recognised with the audience by them remembering it as the repeated Kylie’s.
Finally on the other hand there was a disadvantage of this music video which was that not only was there so many clones of Kylie in this video but there was also clones of every other person or object she touched so therefore this ended up the music video seem like it was going on for too long and then the music video just started to get boring and I am sure this won’t help Kylie with making her music video sell to an audience.
The music video “Kylie Minogue- Come into my world’’ is concept based, this is because it has no story to the music video and as she is going round more people are joining her. A panning shot was used throughout, close ups have been used along with a zoom and it is a one shot video as there is no cuts.

Chris Cunningham

From Chris Cunningham I also analysed two music videos which are:
• Madonna – Frozen

• Aphex Twin – Come to daddy

The presentation of the music video from Madonna Frozen was structured with the performance of the video, this is because of the way the genre is shown through this video. The video shows Madonna playing an ethereal Gothic witchy, melancholy persona, with long black hair, black gowns and mehndi on her hand showing the Hindu word Om on her palm. She shape shifts into a flock of crows and a black dog. By the use of these media techniques in her music video Madonna has created the genre of her video to her target audience which is pop.
But it is a very different and unique way to film a pop video because of all the dark lightings and the close ups and the location in the middle of a deserted island. There were many advantages from this video, because of the structure and performance of the video it helped Madonna make her video memorable to her target audience. On the other hand there were also disadvantages of this music video which were that because of the change in her video she may create a limited target audience and also from Goodwin’s theory she hasn’t built up a relationship with her target audience.
The second video which I analyzed was Aphex Twin come to daddy, I found this video quite disturbing and very very strange. This music video structured the performance and narrative of the song because in the video it starts with an old woman walking a dog in a grimy, industrial setting. The dog urinates on an abandoned television lying on the sidewalk, causing it to sputter unexpectedly into life. This unleashes an evil spirit, accompanied by a gang of small children, all of whom bear Aphex Twin's grinning face and who appear to inhabit the abandoned buildings.
The children go around wreaking havoc, trashing an alley and chasing a man into his car. The demon emerges from the television, screams in the woman's face, and then gathers the children around him. This helps show the genre of the music video of being Aggrotech, drum and bass. The reason I think Aphex twin choose to film their music video in this way is because they thought of the many positives it could apply to their target audiences, some of the positives from this video which I have gathered are that it is very different, unique, and memorable and something new for their target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of the music video directors Cunningham and Gondry shows some understanding of their work and also how diverse they are. Your analysis of the music videos shows some understanding of the wider media and the advantages and disadvantages that the artist may face.

    To improve your understanding further you need to:
    1) Include video clips from the videos to support your points
    2) Include an overall summary to explain what the advantages and disadvantages are of these videos
    3) Explain if you can use any of Cunningham's or Gondry's ideas within your own music video
