Wednesday 6 October 2010

Subculture Ms Georgiou


Grant Mc Cracken
Grant McCracken believes the postmodern world is full of diversity dynamism and creativity. He also says that if we were to look at the array of values, and ideologies then we can’t say all sub cultures come from one culture.

CCCs View
CCCs view is different to Grant McCracken, they say that it assumes that all subcultures come from one main culture (Reaction to mainstream).

Hebdige came to the conclusion that although some people think subcultures only appear to be different but deep down they are the same, he says if you look deeper, there is enough richness to warrant renaming ‘subcultures’ as ‘little cultures’

subculture is a group of people who are untied through common value system and tastes (clothes, music, politics etc). It is also a group who are positioned outside the mainstream. The subculture we are trying to identify is.

Beliefs And Values.

Shani's beliefs as an artist are that she doesn't want to be known as an artist who is a bad influence or bad person behind closed doors when she isn't actually singing, Her beliefs are to create an image to her fans of being a very new, recent and fashionable artist so therefore her target audience who are mostly females around the ages of 15 to 30 can follow her and even has her as their role model. With these beliefs and values me and my group will aim to include these into our music video by making sure she is dressed up in the latest clothes/fashion , she is also acting as a very innocent, sweet independant young woman , so therefore in our music video it will include Shani all alone just doing her own thing not needing no one else but herself and singing to her boyfriend.

Subculture values and beliefs of Shani are:

  • Love
  • Lust
  • Relationships

  • Sex

  • Spending time with your partner

  • Affection for your partner

  • Arguing with your partner
  • Sharing your emotions and feelings with your partner.


As shown above is my questionnaire which i created, this questionnaire helped give me and my group members a specific idea and helped with giving us ideas for own music video.
The most popular genre was RnB and Reggae, this is one of the reason we decided to choose a song from the reggae genre.
With the artist question we had a selection of different answers , which also did help us a lot because we thought it didn't matter which artist we choose as long as the audience enjoyed the music video that was all that concerned the public.
Most people voted that they preferred to download music rather than buy Cd's and i think the reason for this is due to the change in technology , the younger generation of audiences would rather save up money for something else rather than having to pay for a CD they would rather just download it off the Internet for free.
Most people said that their favorite music artists music albums all are very eye catchy and this is one of the reason they spot the album in stores and then are interested in buying it.
The most popular watched music channel was MTV base and kiss , so therefore if we was to publish our music video onto the TV then we would defiantly choose to have it published on one of these music channels due to them being the most popular and being watched by our target audience we also voted for out genre(reggae).
On my questionnaire most people voted that in a music video by their favorite genre they expect to see a lot of dancing and real life locations such as a house, bedroom, the park. And from this information which we gathered we are going to use some of these locations to film our own music video. Most people voted that they prefer a performance based music video so because this concept was the most popular answer we are going to make sure that our own music video is performance based.
One of the most popular answers was that our target audience prefer solo artists to groups so therefore this is a very good piece of research for us because we have already decide on a solo artist so therefore it should do well with our target audience.
Overall my questionnaire which i created has been a very successful research source for my own music video because it has helped prove that the song, genre and artist which we have chosen to work with was a very good idea due to her matching up with the answers we collected from the audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have made some excellent points on the subculture of your chosen artist and you have also analysed your results from your questionnaire well. Now to show a more detailed understanding of the subculture theory you need to read through your notes and embed the theory and this will help to make your points more detailed.

    Finally go back to the values and beliefs of your artist and explain how you will aim to include them in your music video. This will also help you when you are planning your music video and especially when you are annotating the lyrics of your song.
