Tuesday 12 October 2010

Video Analysis Ms Georgiou

The song we have chosen is Shani - 'hold me' , which is a remix of the original song by Gyptian - 'hold yuh' , so therefore because our artist Shani is still a newcomer i will be analysing 2 music videos by Gyptain.

The first music video which i analysed by Gyptian is:

Gyptian - 'Beautiful Lady' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmi2RZI8IDA

This music video starts with Gyptian standing by the beach singing out loud, then he is still by the beach but is sitting on a rock singing, then there is a flashback of this girl in a white wedding dress running through the sand and she keeps looking back and by her facial expression it shows that she is very upset and confused. Throughout this music video there are change in shots going back and forth to Gyptian sitting on the rock looking like he is watching and her and then it goes back to the girl in the wedding dress running through a green scenery. Then Gyptian is lying on top of her and he is singing to her whilst she is watching his lips this shot helps convey one of the subcultures which is love and showing affection for your partner. Soon after they are both standing in front of a wooden hut both dressed very smartly and she is holding one of his shoulders and dancing to the beat whilst he is just looking into the camera and dancing. Then it goes back to the shot of them by the beach but this time they are standing facing each other and Gyptian removes her wedding vial and then its back to them lying down on the sand together watching each others lips and then the camera just fades away from them into the sea. Finally near the end of the music video as they are both lying down they finally kiss each other and then Gyptian is left alone singing his heart out to her whilst she is sitting in the water looking back at him.

The second music video which i analysed by gyptian is:

Gyptian - 'I can feel your pain'

At the start of this music video Gyptian is getting out of his bed the lighting is very low which helps create the sad and low atmosphere with the audience. As he starts to sing he sits on a chair with his guitar in his hand singing with a lot of emotion saying 'i can feel your pain'. He is all alone which helps portray the atmosphere of him being lonely and also being in pain. As he starts singing 'let me make love to you' there is a shot of him and this pretty lady hugging each other and staring into each others eyes as he sings to her in her ears. He then starts to grab her face as he is singing the lyrics 'i can feel your pain' which is showing his emotion and he is making sure that she is listening to him. Then there is a shot of a limo in a different location which shows Gyptian getting out of the limo and walking through fans and then it shows him being interviewed by a presenter, he then is on stage singing and performing in front of thousands of people. As he is singing there are flashbacks of him performing on the stage, then a closeup of his face showing his facial expressions which make it look more like he is in pain. The video finishes with it showing the girl walking into her house in a nun outfit and Gyptian doesn't recognise her and she takes the hood of and just walks away from him and then the shot goes back to him in bed singing to himself.

Overall by analysing thse 2 music videos from the same artist who is categorised in the same genre as my own music video has helped me with what i need to include in my own music video and that reggae music videos are mostly narrative based , so therefore i will use this for my own music video making sure that the music video tells a story of the song to my target audience.Also i can relate both these music videos to Goodwins theory because firstly he said that Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics-what you would expect to see in this genre of video so therefore in the music video 'I can feel your pain' you expect to see Gyptian singing about someone and telling her that he can feel her name because of the name of the song. Also he said that there is a relationship between music and visuals-music matches speed, etc, of the video, so therefore because this music video by Gyptian is very slow there were slow shots being played which matched the music of the video. So finally i will make sure that i relate my own music video to these videos which i have nanalysed and i will make sure that my music video includes these key points from Goodwins theory which i have discovered.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of your chosen artist shows your understanding of the styles of music videos that your artist creates. However, to make your analysis more detailed you need to refer to Goodwin's theory and you also need to embed the video clips, so that your analysis matches the points that you have raised in the video.

    Also you need to include a summary at the end to explain how your research will help you with planning your own music video.
